The Understanding Canada Series
The Institute of Parliamentary and Political Law, in conjunction with Irwin Law publisher based in Toronto, is planning to establish a collection of smart and publicly accessible books aiming to inform the citizenry and the electorate about the basics of the constitutional, political and legal system of Canada. It is hoped that the first books in this collection will be published in 2022. Others will follow in due course. The following books are now in the planning stage.
The Constitution of Canada, Professor Hoi Kong, Peter A. Allard School of Law, The University of British Columbia
The Monarchy in Canada, Dr. D. Michael Jackson, CVO, SOM, CD, President, Institute for the Study of the Crown in Canada
Federalism in the Constitution of Canada, Professor Kathy Brock, School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, and Professor Geoffrey Hale, Department of Political Science, University of Lethbridge
The Charter of Rights in the Constitution of Canada, Cara Zwibel, Director, Fundamental Freedoms Program, Canadian Civil Liberties Association
The Separation of Powers in Canada, Professor Yan Campagnolo, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Conventions of the Constitution in Canada, Professor Andrew Heard, Department of Political Science, Simon Fraser University
Les conventions constitutionnelles au Canada, Professor Andrew Heard, Department of Political Science, Simon Fraser University et Professeur Yan Campagnolo, Faculté de droit, Université d'Ottawa
The Recognition of Two Official Languages in Canada, Hon. Michel Bastarache, Retired Puisne Judge, Supreme Court of Canada
Indigenous Rights in the Constitution of Canada, Dr. Beverly Jacobs, O.C., Associate Dean (Academic), Faculty of Law, University of Windsor
Les Modifications Constitutionnelles Comparées, Dr. Dave Guenette, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Faculty of Law, McGill University
Political Law in Canada, Gregory Tardi, DJur., President, Institute of Parliamentary and Political Law
Elections in Canada, Gregory Tardi, DJur., President, Institute of Parliamentary and Political Law
The Accountability to Law of Heads of State and Government, Gregory Tardi, DJur., President, Institute of Parliamentary and Political Law
L'établissement des circonscriptions électorales - l'exemple du Québec; 2023, Louis Massicotte, Professeur (à la retraite), Département des sciences politiques, Université Laval
The Parliament of Canada, Steven Chaplin, Chaplin Law Office, Ottawa
Parliamentary Law and Privilege in Canada, Steven Chaplin, Chaplin Law Office, Ottawa
The Senate of Canada, Gary O’Brien, Former Clerk of the Senate and Clerk of the Parliaments
The House of Commons of Canada, Rob Walsh, Former Law Clerk of the House of Commons
Drafting and Applying Legislation in Canada, John Mark Keyes, Former Chief Legislative Counsel, Department of Justice
The Governments of Canada, Gareth Morley, Ministry of the Attorney General, Government of British Columbia
The Judicial System in Canada, Roger Bilodeau, Q.C., Former Registrar, Supreme Court of Canada
Public Law Litigation in Canada, Terry Hancock, Counsel, Judicial Education, National Institute
Canada – United States Relations, Professor Gregory Inwood, Department of Political Science, Ryerson University
Political Crimes in Canada, Michael Crystal, Trial and Appellate Counsel, Ottawa and Jacob Medvedev, JD / MBA student, University of Ottawa